Cappuccino - How to make?

Cappuccino - How to make?
Arsen 27/05/2023


Cappuccino is a popular Italian coffee beverage made with espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It is known for its creamy texture and layered appearance. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a cappuccino at home:



  1. Freshly brewed espresso shot (1 ounce)
  2. Milk (6 ounces)
  3. Sugar (optional)


  1. Espresso machine or coffee maker with espresso capabilities
  2. Steam wand or frother
  3. Coffee grinder (if using whole coffee beans)
  4. Coffee tamper (if using ground coffee)


  1. Start by brewing a fresh shot of espresso using your espresso machine. If using whole coffee beans, grind them to a fine consistency just before brewing. If using pre-ground coffee, measure out the appropriate amount and tamp it evenly into the portafilter.
  2. While the espresso is brewing, prepare the milk. Pour cold milk into a pitcher or metal container. The amount of milk should be around twice the volume of the espresso shot.
  3. Use the steam wand or frother on your espresso machine to steam the milk. Place the wand just below the surface of the milk and turn on the steam. Keep the wand at an angle to create a whirlpool effect, which will help achieve a creamy texture. As the milk expands and heats up, lower the pitcher to maintain a consistent whirlpool and avoid large bubbles.
  4. Continue steaming the milk until it reaches a temperature of around 150-160°F (65-70°C). Be careful not to overheat the milk, as it can scorch and lose its sweetness.
  5. Once the milk is steamed, turn off the steam wand and wipe it with a clean cloth to remove any milk residue.
  6. Give the milk pitcher a light tap on a solid surface to eliminate any large air bubbles and swirl it gently to mix the milk and foam together.
  7. Pour the steamed milk over the espresso shot, holding back the foam with a spoon. Aim to create equal parts of espresso and steamed milk.
  8. Spoon the milk foam on top of the drink to create a thick layer. You can use the spoon to create latte art or leave it as is.
  9. Optionally, sprinkle some cocoa powder, cinnamon, or powdered sugar on top for added flavor and presentation.
  10. Serve your cappuccino immediately and enjoy!


Remember, cappuccino is highly customizable. You can adjust the amount of milk, foam, and sweetness according to your preference. With a little practice, you'll be able to create a perfect cappuccino with a rich espresso base and creamy foam.

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