Drip Coffee

Drip Coffee
Arsen 09/01/2024


Freshly brewed, aromatic coffee has a magic to wake you up, and drip coffee stands out as a reliable method to achieve that magic. In a world of complex and varied ways to brew coffee, the simplicity of drip brewing remains the preferred option for many coffee lovers.


Drip coffee, also known as Filter or Pour-Over, involves pouring boiled water over ground coffee beans, resulting in the water passing through the ground coffee, taking with it all of the coffee's aromatic flavor. The beauty of this method is simplicity and balance.

One of the main factors contributing to the popularity of drip coffee is its availability. For drip preparation: all you need is high-quality and coarsely ground coffee beans, a filter and boiled water. Drip brewing allows you to extract the coffee oils and flavors in a clean and balanced way.

Nero Bean offers ready-made, convenient and beautifully packaged products. It is called "Drip Coffee Box", which contains 12 pieces of Arabica coffee packed in paper filter. To prepare this coffee, all you need is a cup and boiled water. Enjoy!


In a world where coffee trends come and go, drip coffee remains in its permanent place for those who value a harmonious combination of simplicity and precision. With a try, it can become your daily ritual to start perfect mornings.

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  • From Monday to Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00
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